A referral is a special kind of pre-approval that individual health plan members, primarily those with either a health maintenance organization (HMO) or point of service (POS) plan, must obtain from their chosen primary care physician (PCP) before seeing a specialist or another doctor within the same network.

If you or a loved one is in need of a referral, Mobile Physician Associates can help. Some of the areas of medicine that we can offer referrals to include cardiology, dentistry, optometry, gastroenterology, podiatry and many more. Some plans require the referral to be in writing directly from the doctor, while others will accept a phone call from your primary care physician. Either way, we are here to help.
In order to make sure that everything is in order regarding seeing a specialist, you should be proactive, and make sure that your insurer has received a referral before you make an appointment with your specialist. Then you will know that your visit to the specialist will be covered under your healthcare plan.